Home Remodelling

Renovate Your Bathroom Like A Pro: The Ultimate Guide To Remodelling Your Melbourne Bathroom


Renovating or remodelling your bathroom is a daunting task. From the tiling and plumbing to the fixtures and fittings, there’s so much to consider when it comes to pulling off a successful project. Whether you’re in Melbourne, Sydney, or Brisbane, there are certain things you should know before attempting such an undertaking. In this blog post, we’ll go through everything from planning and budgeting to sourcing materials and finding professionals who will help make your renovation as seamless as possible. Read on to learn more about how you can renovate your bathroom like a pro!

The Planning Process

One of the most important aspects of any home renovation is the planning process. Without a well-thought-out plan, your renovation is likely to be more expensive and take longer than necessary.

There are a few key steps to take when planning your bathroom renovation:

1. Define your needs and wants. What do you need from your new bathroom? More storage? A bigger shower? A spa-like retreat? Write down everything you can think of, then prioritise your list.

2. Research local building codes and permits. Depending on the scope of your project, you may need to obtain various permits from your local municipality. Make sure you allow for this in your timeline and budget.

3. Hire a qualified contractor. Once you have a clear vision for your project, it’s time to find a qualified contractor who can bring it to life. Get at least three quotes from different contractors before making your final decision.

4. Create a detailed budget. It’s important to have a realistic idea of how much your renovation will cost before getting started. Work with your contractor to create a detailed budget that includes materials, labour, permits, and any other associated costs.

5. Develop a timeline. Once you’ve finalised your budget and hired a contractor, it’s time to develop a timeline for the project. Keep in mind that unexpected delays can occur, so build in some flexibility into your timeline if possible

Hiring a Professional

There are a few things to consider when hiring a professional for your bathroom renovation. First, you need to decide what type of contractor you want to use. There are general contractors who can handle all aspects of the renovation, or you may want to hire a specialist for specific tasks like plumbing or tile work. Either way, be sure to get multiple bids and check references before making your final decision.

Next, you need to develop a budget for your project. This will help you determine how much work needs to be done and what type of materials you can afford. Be realistic about what you can spend, as going over budget is one of the main reasons renovations fail.

Finally, make sure you have a clear idea of what you want before starting the project. This means having detailed plans and sketches, as well as a good understanding of the products and materials you want to use. Once everything is in place, then you can start interviewing contractors and get the ball rolling on your dream bathroom renovation. We recommend you to visit GIA bathrooms and kitchens website and make your Melbourne bathroom reno sorted out.

The Construction Process

The construction process of renovating your bathroom is a very important step that you need to take care of. There are many things that you need to do in order to make sure that your bathroom renovation goes smoothly and without any problems. Here are some tips on how to go about the construction process:

1. Make sure that you have all the necessary tools and materials before you start the renovation. This will save you time and hassle later on.

2. Plan out the design of your new bathroom carefully. You need to think about what fixtures and fittings you want, as well as the layout of the room.

3. Start with the basics first, such as installing new plumbing or electrical wiring if necessary. Once this is done, you can move onto more cosmetic changes like painting or tiling.

4. Hire a professional contractor to carry out any major work, such as structural changes or adding new features like a spa bath.

5. Take your time when carrying out the actual work, and don’t rush things. It’s better to do a good job than have to redo it because it wasn’t done properly the first time around!

The Finishing Touches

The finishing touches to your bathroom renovation are just as important as the big ticket items. Here are some tips on how to choose the perfect finishing touches for your new bathroom:

– Paint colours: Choose paint colours that will complement the other design elements in your bathroom. Wallpaper is also an option, but make sure it is waterproof and mold-resistant.

– Fixtures and fittings: Choose taps, showerheads, towel rails and other fixtures that match the style of your bathroom. If you have a modern bathroom, opt for sleek, chrome fixtures. For a more traditional look, go for brass or bronze fixtures.

– Accessories: Add some final touches with stylish accessories like soap dispensers, toilet brush holders and toilet roll holders. Match these to the other fixtures and fittings in your bathroom for a cohesive look.

the authorDarlaJacobson